30 Sep 2022

To: All KAMP Members

Pursuant to section 275A of the Companies’ Act, 2015 and Clause 13 of the Kenya Association of Music Producer’s (KAMP) Memorandum and Articles of Association, KAMP has scheduled elections of directors at the Special Annual General Meeting (SGM) to be held on 25th November 2022.

Nomination forms of aspiring candidates seeking to be elected as Directors of the Company shall be accessed and downloaded from KAMP’s website: www.kamp.or.ke/membership as from Friday 30th September 2022.

The duly filled and signed candidates’ nomination forms must be received at the KAMP Office at Jumuia Place 1, 2nd Floor, Lenana Road, Kilimani on or before Tuesday 8th November 2022. Click here to download the Nomination Form for KAMP Directors Election November 2022

For Queries and clarifications, kindly contact the Secretariat through the following telephone numbers and email address:

Telephone        :           +254 710 309695, +254 738 645041

Email               :           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Company Secretary


KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited represents the rights of producers of sound recordings and audiovisual works, copyright owners of musical works, performers, owners of literary works, and any other copyright and related rights holders as may be determined by the Copyright Act.