Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which documents do I require when registering as a KAMP member?

For individual applicants

• A copy of your KRA PIN number updated in iTax

• A copy of your national ID card or a copy of your passport

• A copy of your next of KIN ID/passport/birth certificate


For sole proprietors and incorporated companies (record labels)

• Attach both copies of the PIN and VAT numbers

• A copy of the certificate of registration or incorporation


For all applicants

• A duly filled application form and agreement

• A sound declaration form for each recording to be registered

• Digital rights agreement form

• Evidence of the sound recordings i.e. copies of CDs, DVDs, VCDs, Cassettes per production or MP3

• If the sound recordings being declared are not your productions, submit a valid signed contract or agreement between artist (s), group or band or promoter

• A non-refundable registration fee of Kshs. 10,000/- payable once

• Two (2) passport size photos for individual applicants, sole proprietors of record labels and groups e.g. choirs, bands, and orchestra etc.

2. I’ve been paid royalties from my music, but I think the payment is wrong. Who should I contact?
Give us a call if you think something is not right. Our office numbers are 020-2378963, 0738645041, and 071039695 our team is there to help you.
3. A song I was expecting royalties for has not been included in the distribution. What do I do?
Confirm that the date of the performances is within the period stated on the distribution statement. If you are certain that there is an omission, please supply KAMP Copyright and Related Rights with the title of the work and the name of the rightsholder.
4. I did not receive a statement at the most recent distribution. Does this mean there are no royalties for me?
Probably, yes, but it may also mean that we have not been notified of a change of address or contacts. To update your contact details and personal information please visit our offices.
5. When are royalties paid?
Members receive royalties every year through two main pay-outs: General distribution, and pay for play.
6. I have written a song that features a few bars of an existing work. What should I do?
If you want to use any part of another composer or songwriter’s music you need to get permission from the copyright owner. They’ll probably want a percentage of the royalties from your work. You need permission to use any and all copyrighted music in any way.
7. My co-partner is a non-member, what happens to his royalties?
KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited cannot distribute royalties to non-members. In these cases, we keep these royalties until the composer or author is granted membership. Once membership is approved, these royalties are paid.
8. Can I get a list of the works that I registered to KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited ?
Yes, contact KAMP’s membership Department for a printout of the works.
9. What is a declaration of Works?
To register your music with KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited and start earning royalties, you must notify us of your original music by filling out a form called a declaration form.
10. What happens if I have a stage name for my song production activities?
You can work under a stage name if you choose and you can register as many stage names as you like.
11. How do I get my royalties paid?
KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited pays your royalties directly into your account via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/ Bank transfer or through M-pesa. Please double-check that your bank details are correct to avoid problems with payments.
12. Is there an entry or annual membership fee?
When you become a KAMP member as an individual music producer or record label, there is a membership fee of Kshs. 10,000.

Performers can register for free until 31st October 2024. After this date, existing KAMP members will be charged Kshs. 3,000 for performer registration, while new members will be charged Kshs. 5,000.
13. What is difference between MCSK, KAMP and PRISK?
All three are Collective Management Organizations, but they separately administer three different classes of rights. MCSK administers the copyright for authors, composers,, arrangers and music publishers of musical works. KAMP administers the related rights of producers of sound recordings while PRISK administers the related rights or performers of sound recording and audio-visual works. Even though KAMP and PRISK work together in issuing a joint license to users of sound recordings and audio-visual works, their constitutions, membership and guardianship of rights and responsibilities are different.
14. Can anyone collect his/her royalty payments from KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited without being a member?
KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited represents every performer of literary and music works and producer of sound recordings, whether they are members or not. However, it is important to note that in order to make the royalty payments, KAMP requires the personal details of the work (s) for purposes of monitoring. If the person wants to claim their royalty payments but does not want to be a member, an administration cost of 30% of the royalty amount will be charged.
15. What mandate does KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited hold on behalf of its right holders?
KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited collects these license fees from users of copyright and related rights who engage in activities described as Communication to the Public and Broadcasting. This legal mandate to collect is enshrined in Section 28 of the Copyright Act 2001 respectively and seeks to enable the owners of the Copyright and related rights to fully benefit from their economic rights through an equitable right to remuneration, as envisaged under the Act. KAMP is also mandated to collect Blank Media Levy, as compensation for copies of recorded music made for private use using blank media music carriers such as flash disks, CDs, memory cards, phones, computers, etc under Section 28 of the said Act.
17. What is KAMP-PRISK?
Kenya Association of Music Producers (KAMP) and Performers Rights Society of Kenya (PRISK) are both CMOs but are separate societies. KAMP represents the producers of sound recordings while PRISK represents performers of sound recordings and audio visual works. In order to make the payments by users of sound recordings and audio visual works simpler, KAMP and PRISK have formed a partnership and issue a single license under the banner of KAMP-PRISK.
18. What is equitable remuneration?
For many years Kenyan composers and authors have received royalties from the broadcast or public performance of their songs. These royalties are collected by the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK).The Copyright Act, has since been amended to acknowledge the essential contribution of producers and performers of sound recordings and audio visual works in the creation of recorded music by including a right to equitable remuneration for both the performers and producers, which is in line with international best practices. The rights to equitable remuneration are the rights of performers (including featured performers, background musicians etc.) and producers to be paid fairly for the broadcast and communication to the public of their works.
19. Does KAMP-PRISK collect and distribute for performers and producers of sound recordings in other countries other than Kenya?
KAMP-PRISK are mandated to license users of SR and AV within the Republic of Kenya under Equitable Remuneration Rights . Even though KAMP-PRISK does not currently have reciprocal agreements with other CMOs, it should be noted that the tariffs are not based on quantity of usage hence whether one plays only one (1) local song in a year, they would still be required to pay the license fee based on the existing tariffs. Further users are required to take out a license with KAMP-PRISK prospectively. KAMP-PRISK tariffs are not subject to regulation by any other CMO within or without the Republic of Kenya.
20. I have taken my songs to the radio stations and I am receiving a lot of airplay, Must I bring my songs to KAMP too for me to get royalties?
Yes, matching can only be done for the songs in the KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd systems.
21. In case my song is not played, will I get any royalties?
Distribution is based on “pay for play”. However, a small amount may be payable as general distribution upon board approval for each particular year.
22. Are you monitoring all TV stations in Kenya? My songs get played on TV.
Currently, KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd is doing monitoring for selected TV and radio stations.
23. Can you provide logs from radio stations showing the airplay my music has received?
Yes. The total amount of individual royalties depends on the number of airplay. KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd provides detailed reports after every distribution.
24. Is the track producer and back ground vocalists going to get part of my royalties? Why? Yet I paid them when I was recording?
Yes, the law supports equitable remuneration for all performers of a given item irrespective of background arrangements/agreements. The mode of payment is determined by the distribution rules.
25. From your system (Distro) can I be able to see if my song is being played now or has received any airplay?
KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd. provides detailed reports after every royalty distribution. For any queries, kindly contact the office.
26. For how long have you monitored before distributing the royalties?
Monitoring is done annually prior to distribution (Example: 1st Jan, 2016- 31st Dec, 2016 for the royalties distributed in 2017).
27. What are the benefits of joining KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd ?

Some benefits that Music Copyright and Related Rights Owners stand to enjoy by registering as members of KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd  include:

  • Upcoming producers get a chance to interact with already-established record labels during meetings organized by KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd thereby getting advice on how to grow their careers and businesses.
  • Receiving royalty payments on international plays of their works from other Collective Management Organizations once KAMP  enters into reciprocal agreements.
  • Receiving royalty payments when their works are played on radio, TV, and other public places in Kenya.
  • Attending training seminars that KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Ltd organizes from time to time in corporation with various stakeholders in the entertainment industry to sensitize performers on various issues that affect them.
  • Through KAMP, Music Copyright and Related Rights Owners have a unified voice to let their concerns and matters that affect them be known to other institutions.
28. Which documents do Legal Entities (Companies/Business Names) Representing a Group of Producers require when registering as a KAMP member?

For Sole proprietors and incorporated companies;

  • Attach both copies of the KRA PIN and VAT Numbers.
  • A copy of the Certificate of registration or incorporation.
  • Copies of national ID of all company directors.

For All applicants;

  • A duly filled Application form & Agreement.
  • A sound declaration form for each recording to be registered.
  • Evidence of the sound recordings i.e. copies of CDs, DVDs, VCDs, or Cassettes per production.
  • If the sound recordings being declared are not own productions, a valid signed contract or agreement commissioned by an advocate between the artist(s) / group or band and producer is required.
  • Two (2) Passport-size photos for individual applicants and sole proprietors.
  • A Non-refundable Registration fee of Kshs. 10,000 to be deposited in the following bank account. 
  • Account name: Kenya Association of Music Producers
    Bank Name: NCBA Bank.
    Branch: Upper Hill.
    Account Number: 6522030019.

 OR Lipa na MPESA Pay Bill No. 560400  

  • Go to Mpesa on your phone.
  • Select “Lipan na Mpesa”
  • Enter Business Number 560400
  • On Account Number enter your Official Name
Enter the amount (10,000) and send

KAMP Copyright and Related Rights Limited represents the rights of producers of sound recordings and audiovisual works, copyright owners of musical works, performers, owners of literary works, and any other copyright and related rights holders as may be determined by the Copyright Act.