The Kenya Association of Music producers, a collective management organisation licensed by the Kenya Copyright Board to represent the owners of sound recordings and music producers, is excited to announce its first 2019 Royalty distribution.
We have had a challenging start of the year with the delay of gazetting of the joint collection tariffs that assist us in issuing licenses. Nonetheless we put in place a vigorous campaign on various media platforms both on TV, radio and social media on educating members and users of copyrighted works on our mandate as KAMP and for the need of users to be compliant and the results are evident in the royalty distribution.
We are delighted to announce an unprecedented growth in royalty distribution. This is the highest pay out ever experienced translating to 70% of the total collection. The total amount of royalties paid for the period of April-June 2019 is Ksh 17million paid out to 1050 producers of sound recordings and producers of music videos.
As KAMP we are committed to distribute promptly every three months of collections realized to ensure our members’ economic livelihood are covered. We are also committed on reducing operations and administrative costs to ensure our Royalties remain within 70% of collections as per the requirements of Kenya copyright Board.
We are also committed to Joint collections partnership with PRISK and MCSK and strive to ensure all businesses that use copyright works pay for the Joint Copyright and Related Rights License.
The Board wishes to encourage our members to continue producing quality music to continue benefiting from future payments.
We thank you for your continued support.
Anthony Murimi Karani
Chairman KAMP